Good Ammunition capacity (Wrist Rocket Launcher): Compared to systems like the MM9, the TwinStar carries a fairly large number of wrist rockets. High Rate of Fire (Wrist Rocket Launcher): The "wrist rockets" used by the TwinStar can be rapidly fired thanks to their relatively small size and sequential loading, potentially allowing a user to shred apart an enemy squad of armored infantry or destroy a light vehicle in short order. Excellent Range (Missile Launcher): The single-shot nature of the TwinStar means that it can fit larger ordnance that commensurately has a fairly large range, and most payloads have enough fuel to reach across most battlefields. Superior Stopping Power (Missile Launcher): The single-shot nature of the TwinStar's missile tube means that it can fit larger ordnance that commensurately has a fairly heavy payload, and most fired warheads such as proton rockets or a GX-15 are capable of inflicting extremely heavy damage to starfighters, armored vehicles, and many fighting positions. While not typically dangerous to vehicles, the wrist rockets can be particularly useful against heavily armored individuals and battle droids. The upper tube acts as a superimposed wrist rocket launcher, firing relatively tiny wrist rockets in sequential order. This tube can house missiles as a diminutive 3t3 to ones as large as a proton rocket. The larger bottom tube acts as a typical, single-shot launcher that can fire a wide variety of starfighter-grade missiles, making it well-suited for anti-vehicle and anti-aircraft work. Twin Tube Design: The TwinStar is a combination of two separate warhead launchers. Mechanical Operation: The TwinStar uses purely mechanical mechanisms to operate to include a flip-up site and friction rocket igniters, meaning that Ion, EMP, and weapons with similar effects are unlikely to affect its function. In the first Battlefront game the rocket launcher shoots two shots at once (although the vehicles have much more health). The one thing you have to be careful with is the very limited amount of ammo the gun carries, allowing you only a few shots before you have to get more. This gun is the best there is for taking out things with lots of health, and can also take out nearby enemies by shooting at their feet.
By locking onto a tank or machine, a red circle will appear around the target, allowing you to take it down even quicker. The rockets it fires travel fairly slow, so you will have to aim ahead of a moving target. It is the heavy assault weapon available to each team (in the Battlefront series). The Rocket Launcher basically launches rockets.